In our laboratory:
- We continuously analyze the chemical composition of metal using a Bruker spectrometer. The device uses CCD technology to obtain accurate results in a short time frame
- We check the structure of the material using an OPTA-TECH MM100 microscope to perform metallographic tests. The microscope is equipped with 5 magnifying lenses and a trinocular head with a camera
- We test the strength of cast iron
- We conduct ongoing analyses of molding sand (moisture, permeability, compactibility, strength, friability and active clay content) .
The metrology laboratory is equipped with:
- Mitutoyo CMM coordinate measuring machine
- TIGO SF 3D CMM Hexagon Metrology coordinate measuring machine
- "Mahr" CD 120 feed mechanism for contour measurement
- "Mahr" SD 26 M400 roughness measuring device
- Gauges, calipers, depth gauges and other measuring instruments .

Spełniamy wymagania Zintegrowanego Systemu Zarządzania Jakością i Zarządzania Środowiskowego wg norm:
PN-EN ISO 9001:2015-10 i PN-EN ISO 14001:2015-09